Developing a Data Management Consultation Service for Faculty Researchers: a Case Study from a Large Midwestern Public University


  • Virginia A Dressler Kent State University
  • Kristin Yeager Kent State University
  • Elizabeth Richardson Kent State University



To inform the development of data management services, a library research team at Kent State University conducted a survey of all tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track faculty about their data management practices and perceptions. The methodology and results will be presented in the article, as well as how this information was used to inform future work in the library’s internal working group. Recommendations will be presented that other academic libraries could model in order to develop similar services at their institutions. Personal anecdotes are included that help ascertain current practices and sentiments around research data from the perspective of the researcher. The article addresses the particular needs of a large Midwestern U.S. academic campus, which are not currently reflected in literature on the topic.

Author Biographies

  • Virginia A Dressler, Kent State University

    Virginia is the Digital Projects Librarian at Kent State University Libraries. She provides technical expertise and project management support in the creation and maintenance of digital collections on various platforms and coordinates cross-departmental digital project workflows. She holds a master’s in library and information science from Kent State University and a master’s in art gallery and museum studies from the University of Leeds, and has over ten years’ experience managing digital initiatives within the academic library and museum settings.

  • Kristin Yeager, Kent State University

    Kristin Yeager is the Manager of Statistical Consulting at Kent State University Libraries, a service which provides training and consultation on quantitative and qualitative data analysis software. She holds a Masters in Statistics from the University of Akron.

  • Elizabeth Richardson, Kent State University

    Elizabeth Richardson is the Manager of Document Delivery and the Institutional Repository at Kent State University Libraries. With over fifteen years of experience in academic libraries, she has managed resource sharing most of that time. She became involved with institutional repositories when she led the launch of Kent State’s institutional repository in 2013. She holds a Master of Library and Information Science from Kent State University and a Master of Science in Education in Counseling from Youngstown State University.






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