Complementary Data as Metadata: Building Context for the Reuse of Video Records of Practice
Data reuse is often dependent on context external to the data. At times, this context is actually additional data that helps data reusers better assess and/or understand the target data upon which they are focused. We refer to these data as complementary data and define these as data external to the target data which could be used as evidence in their own right. In this paper, we specifically we focus on video records of practice in education. Records of practice are a type of data that more broadly document events surrounding teaching and learning. Video records of practice are an interesting case of data reuse as they can be extensive (e.g., days or weeks of video of a classroom), result in large files sizes, and require both metadata and other complementary data in order for reusers to understand the events depicted in the video. Through our mixed methods study, consisting of a survey of data reusers in 4 repositories and 44 in-depth interviews, we identified the types of complementary data that assist reusers of video records of practice for either teaching and/or research. While there were similarities in the types of complementary data identified as important to have when reusing VROP, the rationales and motivations for seeking out particular complementary data differed depending on whether the intended use was for teaching or research. While metadata is an important and valuable means of describing data for reuse, data’s meaning is often constructed through comparison, verification, or elucidation in reference to other data.
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Funding data
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Grant numbers LG-06-14-0122-14